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Best-Selling Author and Survivor Educator Timea Nagy will help you get into the mindset of a Human Trafficked victim and help you understand why they think the way they think. Timea will explain life events that make each victim vulnerable and a perfect individual to be targeted by traffickers.


The Mindset Series gives incredible insight into the emotional state of mind of victims of human trafficking. Understanding the mindset of a victim is key to building rapport and eventually taking a statement in hopes of finding the traffickers and making an arrest.


The Mindset Series is broken down into three parts. The mindset of a victim before trafficked, while being trafficked, and after rescue or escape.

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The Mindset of a Victim BEFORE being Trafficked | Part 1

In this session, Survivor Timea Nagy uses her own childhood story to help officers and viewers understand how traumatic childhood affects every decision moving forward.

Teaching about the mindset of a victim must start with understanding how the victims get to a place to make such “unhealthy” or uninformed decisions later in life.

This lesson starts with understanding early childhood traumatic events and how they affect the brain, how that translates into receiving information about the world and themselves, and eventually how that leads to creating “unhealthy” behaviours as a teen and young adult. Understanding and identifying coping mechanisms and how they were built years ago will help the officers and frontline workers understand our suggestions on breaking years and years of built-up barriers in later episodes.


Instructor: Timea E. Nagy | Length: 20 minutes 39 seconds

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Mindset of a Victim WHILE being Trafficked | Part 2

In this lesson, Timea explains what happens to a victim during the first few weeks of being trafficked. She discusses the zombie stage, the invisible chain, and why victims don’t leave their traffickers even if the trafficker is far away. She also talks about how victims can build different coping mechanisms that sometimes translate to hostile behaviour towards authority and how to de-escalate those situations.


Instructor: Timea E. Nagy | Length: 9 minutes 57 seconds

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Mindset of a Victim AFTER being Trafficked | Part 3

In this lesson, Timea talks about the victim’s mindset after they are rescued. She talks about the importance of understanding the emotional stages of trafficking and the best approach for each stage. Applying the right approach, tone of voice, techniques at the right time can significantly reduce officers’ and frontline workers’ time to break barriers and eventually have that victim open up and ask for help.


Instructor: Timea E. Nagy | Length: 8 minutes 19 seconds

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Domestic Sex Trafficking 101- Part 1

This lesson will help viewers understand domestic sex trafficking (its culture, language, music) and understand how traffickers work, think, and exploit. It will also help viewers understand the type of trauma the victim endured while being trafficked.


This section describes domestic trafficking, the types of domestic sex trafficking and the type of domestic sex traffickers.


Instructor: Timea E. Nagy | Length: 15 minutes 31 seconds

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Domestic Sex Trafficking 101: The GAME | Part 2

The full breakdown of The Game continues.


Instructor: Timea E. Nagy | Length: 18 minutes 43 seconds

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LGBTQ+ Cultural Sensitivity and Victim Approach

Christine Pratt

Director, Anti-Human Trafficking Services at Voicefound


This survivor-led educational video teaches front-line workers about

the understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, their struggles, their trauma leading up to being trafficked, the type of trafficking they. might experience, and the preferred culturally sensitive victim approach

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Indigenous Cultural Sensitivity and
Victim Approach

In this video, our subject matter experts explain the reality of generational trauma related to indigenous victims and survivors of exploitation in Canada. Instructors bring eye-opening facts, statistics and real-life stories to help front-line workers better understand the cultural differences as well as common medical issues. Understanding the generational trauma, signs, and signals of certain medical issues will help front line workers find culturally appropriate resources but most importantly will help front line workers offer trauma-informed culturally sensitive victim care during emergency calls.

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Digital Sex Trafficking, Online Safety

TC Online Institute's Online Safety expert Matt Richardson explains the reality of Digital Sex Trafficking. This video will walk the audience through the stages of Digital Sex Trafficking starting with luring/recruiting, explains the definition of Digital Sex Trafficking, platforms used, social media platforms that benefit or facilitate such an act as well as tips and suggestions on how to keep your kids safe online from Digital Sex Traffickers. 

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Tamas Miko - Forced Labor Survivor


Survivor of Canada’s First and Largest Forced Labor Case Called Project OPAPA. Tamas was a key witness during the OPAPA trial and will share his story of recruitment, trafficking, and escaping. He will also share his thoughts on why it is much harder to detect victims of forced labor and makes some helpful suggestions for officers and viewers on what to look for.

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Kaitlyn Bick - Domestic Sex Trafficking Survivor


Survivor of Canadian domestic sex trafficking, frontline worker, and housing worker will share her story of becoming a victim of domestic sex trafficking. Kaitlyn grew up in a small town outside of Toronto in a normal family when trafficking struck and changed her life forever.

Michelle Furgiuele – Domestic Sex Trafficking Survivor


Michelle is a survivor of Canadian domestic sex trafficking, a peer support worker, and former General Manager of the restaurant Montanas. She speaks about her experience of growing up in a wealthy Canadian neighbourhood called Oakville but was lured and trafficked by individuals she met on Facebook at the age of 15. Traffickers threatened her that her family would be harmed if she didn’t comply. At 15 years old, Michelle lived a double life trying to keep her secret from her parents, siblings, and teachers to save them from being hurt. Her escape involvement with Police, Service Providers, Teachers, Parents, and Employees is one of the most informative and educative stories frontline workers can benefit from.

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Emily O’Brien - Survivor of Drug Trafficking


Survivor of Canadian drug trafficking and exploitation, Emily O’Brien shares her story of becoming a victim of a drug trafficking ring while taking a trip with her new boyfriend. Little did she know that she would be forced to bring large amounts of cocaine through the airports on her way back. Emily reached out to the authorities at the airport, but she ended up being charged and spent time in prison.


Today, Emily is the CEO and Founder of Comebacksnacks, a gourmet popcorn company offering second chances for convicted females who wish to rebuild their lives.

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Rayenne Irving – Survivor of Child Sex Trafficking and Gang trafficking


Survivor of Canadian child sex trafficking and gang trafficking, Rayenne shares her story of a survivor from the age of 12 on the notorious side of Vancouver called the “Eastside”. Her story truly helps the audience understand how a young child can get lured into prostitution, sex trafficking, gangs, and other criminal activities.

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